SP3056460670Online Booking
區域探索館 Regional Exploration Building
停滿漁船的八斗子漁港旁,有棟與當地密不可分的海洋建築,展廳以 「海洋蘊育了這塊土地」為主軸,收羅地方記憶、自然美景及產業特色,探訪地方豐厚的海洋文化底蘊。
Next to Badouzi fishing port, which is filled with fishing boats, the Regional Exploration Building has a close relationship with the local community. It focuses on this ocean-nourishing land, collecting local memories, natural beauty, and industrial characteristics, and exploring the rich local marine cultural heritage.
Payment Transaction | / 信用卡 / LINE Pay / 街口支付 |
1. 詳細參觀需知,請參考官網 。
2. 各票種價價,請參考票價說明。
3.購票前可先參閱官網相關入館優惠方案 ,優惠皆不予併用,如符合優惠資格需憑相關文件至人工售票櫃台換取相關參觀票券。
4. 不同館區、日期、場次需分開預約,每次預約上限19人。
5. 建議使用Google Chrome、Firefox、Safari、Edge等瀏覽器最新版本來進行預約操作。
6. 愛臺灣博物館卡卡友請至主題館入口處由工作人員感應卡片入館,特展及海洋劇場優惠可至現場售票櫃台購買。
1. 65歲以上長者(平日)
2. 領有身心障礙手冊者及其必要陪伴者1名
3. 未滿6歲之兒童
Check Verification(ID Card/Residence Permit Number / Health Insurance Card)
Students aged above 6
with valid photo ID from school or institution
Check Verification(ID Card/Residence Permit Number / Student Card)
Child 6 and under
Child 6 and under(with ID)
Check Verification(Health Insurance Card)
Senior (65+ with ID on weekdays)
(65+ with ID on weekdays)
Check Verification(ID Card/Residence Permit Number / Health Insurance Card)
Disabled people and 1 assisting person
Disabled people (please show disability ID at the desk)
Check Verification(Disability Card / 身心障礙手冊背面備註欄註明需陪同者)
Residential address from Keelung (Senior 65+with ID )
Residential address from Keelung (with ID on weekends or holidays)
Check Verification(ID Card/Residence Permit Number)
six nearby villages for free(with+ID)
six nearby villages for free (with+ID)
Check Verification(ID Card/Residence Permit Number / 戶口名簿)
Senior (65+ with ID on weekends or holidays)
(65+ with ID on weekends or holidays)
Check Verification(ID Card/Residence Permit Number)
請於預約時段內,憑預約QR CODE至區域探索館三樓驗票出入口入場。Please present your reservation QR CODE to For regional exploration building, please go to the ticket entrance on the third floor to enter;
※享有任何特殊優惠票價,請於入場時出示證明之文件。※If there are any discounted tickets, please show your ID to enter.
Refund Policy
Refund Policy
[Main Building Refund Instructions]
Unused tickets can be refunded at the original purchase price without any handling fee.
[Special Exhibition Refund Instructions]
Unused tickets can be refunded at the original purchase price
Please apply before the expiry date. Tickets will not be refunded after the special exhibition period.
If you need a refund after purchasing, please refer to the following video instructions.